New Token Market : FBTC Launches on Minterest

FBTC Launches on Minterest


We’re thrilled to announce the latest expansion within the Minterest ecosystem: the launch of a brand-new token market – Fire Bitcoin (FBTC) – on the Mantle Network.

Early adopters can participate in the Sparkle Campaign, an exclusive opportunity to earn MINTY, MNT, and 4x Sparks simply by supplying FBTC on Minterest.

Let’s talk about what this exciting new market entails.

What is FBTC?


$FBTC is a wrapped version of Bitcoin (BTC) that operates on omnichain. Pegged 1:1 to BTC, it is aimed at elevating Bitcoin’s accessibility and utility, paving the way for a low-friction and interoperable future. Initially launching on the Ethereum and Mantle Network, FBTC will soon expand to major EVM and non-EVM networks

FBTC is backed by an equivalent amount of BTC and securely held by industry leading custodians, who handle the minting and burning of FBTC. With FBTC, Bitcoin holders can seamlessly enter the DeFi space by converting between Bitcoin and FBTC to leverage their BTC across various blockchain networks.

By adding FBTC to the token market, Minterest continues to expand the range of assets available to users, ensuring that everyone—from Bitcoin maximalists to DeFi aficionados—can find more value and opportunity.

Where to Get FBTC

Within the Mantle ecosystem, you can acquire FBTC through Merchant Moe and Agni Finance.

Security and Audits

The FBTC contract is covered under Minterest’s latest audit by PeckShield, a leading blockchain security firm.

Step by Step Guide for FBTC on Minterest

For supplying FBTC on Minterest, you can swap BTC on a partner DEX. In the following example, we will be swapping on Agni Dex.

1. Go to and choose Swap tab
2. Choose asset you want to swap, and select to FBTC

3. Enable asset you chose to swap in your MetaMask wallet
4. Click on Swap and approve the transaction


5. Approve swap in your MetaMask wallet


6. Confirm swap in your MetaMask wallet


7. Wait for the transaction to be finished.
8. Add FBTC to your MetaMask wallet


9. Go to and supply on FBTC market. Enjoy juicy APYs!


Get Started with FBTC Today

FBTC is now live and ready to be supplied on Minterest. Note that borrow capability will be offered in due course as we assess adequate depth of liquidity available on partner DEXs.

For any questions, feel free to contact mods on Discord/Telegram or email us at

02, September 2024